S!tragic dialogue U!nique experiences E!nergizing results

S!tragic dialogue
U!nique experiences
E!nergizing results

Sue is a brilliant communications specialist and an energizing person. I'm proud to call her my friend. Sue and I have know each other for close to 15 years, and when she asked me for some help with the re-branding of her business I was thrilled.

Sue and I worked together for Xerox Canada for many years, and when she retired she ventured off into her own consulting practice focused on organizational communications. Along the way she partnered with a colleague with a more specific focus on facilitation. After a successful partnership for a number of years, Sue decided it was time to open another chapter in her life and wanted to build a brand and a business more focused around her personal strengths and passions.  We worked closely together to build a look and feel that would portray what Sue IS and the value she brings to her clients.

Sue's strengths are in her ability to energize a room all the while bringing clarity to complex business issues.  Her tag line, which we built together around her name, "Strategic Dialogue, Unique Experiences, Energizing Results", says it all. 

Sue and I worked on a look and feel that embodies Sue's fondness for simplicity and freshness.  Together we translated the creative to business cards, business templates (PowerPoint, Word) and built a website which set out a structure where Sue is now self sufficient in her updates and changes.

Take a look at what we built !!

And PLEASE visit Sue at